Part 70: Dight Village
Welcome back!

: Hmm? What's wrong, Gadwin?

: It's something I noticed earlier. Clouds from the north are blanketing the sky.... Hmm....

: Huh? The sky sure does look strange. Looks like a rainstorm is coming.

: Hmmph! Please excuse me, but I must go talk with the Elder. Why don't you have a look at the sights here in Dight Village.
Gadwin has the goofiest fucking run animation.

: He's gone already.... I guess he's in a big hurry.

: It's strange, though. His concern about a rainstorm on the way....
And with that, we're given control.
Twenty minutes of NPC chatting later....
Healthweeds sell for 80 gold. Not a terrible way to raise some funds.
Sue finally learns Wind magic, mastering all four elements. Justin, meanwhile, picks up some healing magic, joining the ice mage club.
We also see his first elemental skill show up.
Our main goal for Sue: try and get four wind levels by the end of the next dungeon.
Plague resist accessories, and vaccines in the store? Something tells me we'll be facing plague-causing enemies soon. Also of note are the buffing mushrooms, and the MP restoratives being purchasable. Squid Guts restore SP to one ally, the Panacea cures all status ailments. The Mikeroma scroll there restores 50 HP to all allies.
As for the dynamite... we've seen that one before.
I don't want to get rid of the girls' Fairy Robes just yet, and Sue can't even equip the Skull Armor. The boots cut mobility a lot in exchange for some defense, and the shields and helmets are a straight upgrade. Sue and Feena find themselves with some swanky new headgear and shields.
If I were using Gadwin, the Fish Sword here would be better than the unique one he starts out with. The Fire Rod and Gale Whip, much like the Gust Knife we picked up earlier, add an element to your normal attack. Great if you're hitting a weakness, terrible if you're facing something immune to magic. The Gale whip can also cast Runner when used as an item. In case, y'know, you need that. The Fish Bow is a straight upgrade, and the dragon axe boosts attack by 38, at the cost of 10 move.
Sue upgrades her bow, and Feena picks up the whip, but saves it for now, leaving me a bit short on funds to buy Justin the new axe.
Time to hit up the stashing place!
Y'know, that cutscene where we met Gadwin was the first time in a while we've gotten voice acting. It was kinda nice. (
Polsy link)

Oh god, I take it back! No more voices! Never more voices!
(If, for some reason, you really want to watch that video, skip down to "cutscene ends")
Yyyyep, sorry, but that ridiculous accent has to go.

: Gonna have to make two trips.

: But you know, everyone gets better with my medicine. Just warms my heart, and fills my wallet.

: Huh?! Um, I don't know, I guess....

: Well everyone is happy. Isn't that just wonderful?

: Oh, wow! A talking rabbit! I can't believe my eyes!

: Say, can I touch you? Just a little?

: Hsss, what's with you guys? You keep calling me rabbit, rabbit! From my point of view, you guys from the other side of the wall. You're the stranger looking ones!

: Huh? How'd you know that we came across the wall?
five minutes ago, Justin posted:

: Who are you...?
And with that line, mercifully, the cutscene ends.
bufuman posted:
He just suffers from a poorly-chosen name/accent combination.
That is the best way of putting it, really.
Also, Guido is from a place called Zil Padon. Keep that in mind.

: Hey, you guys know that old saying that us Mogay, we like to say. Hah, you know it?
Jeez, even Justin isn't having any of this.

: They say "Everybody is born to play a part in life". The same goes for you, Justin.

: Well, as I said, I don't care much....

: Us Mogay, we know everything. That's me, I'm a Mogay.

: Justin, if you want to know lots of answers, you gotta just keep traveling. When you go traveling, you're gonna learn a lot of things, about the world, the Spirits, and yourself. So, hey, I gotta go. Gotta get ready to leave. Or else I have no time to stock my goods.

: Wa-wait a minute! Just tell me one thing!

: Do you Mogay folks know anything about Alent?

: For now, let me just say this... we know some things. But then we don't know anything. Hey, you keep traveling. I'm sure we're gonna meet up again. And then we can talk some more.
Honestly, aside from the accent, voice, and name, Guido isn't bad. I especially like the wake-up call he gives Justin here about the world being even larger than he thought.
... Oh, right, we were gonna chill out here while waiting for Gadwin, weren't we?

: You'll be staying here? Bellboy! Take these three guests.

: Yes... had a long talk with an elder. Uh, this'll be all right here as long as it doesn't rain.

: Rain...? Did you look outside? It's raining right now.

: What! Oh no!

: Gadwin, tell me... tell me what's going on!
No, I will never get tired of Gadwin's running animation.

: What's wrong with Gadwin? So it's raining. So what?

: I think it's something else. Whatever it is, it's not just a rainstorm. Let's go see!

: The earth soaked with poisonous rain. Dead rivers stained with ill fortune. Have you witnessed that scene?

: Yes, of course I understand. Soon, the poisonous rain will turn red and become the rain of death. To save Dight, we must climb the Typhoon Tower, as the legend says, and bring back the Spear of Heroes.

: And so I say to you, take this Hero's Armband and save our village of Dight!

: I am ready. I can't let all of that training go to waste. But Elder, two heroes are needed to retrieve the Spear of Heroes! If I go by myself, how can I possibly pass the final test?!

: Yes, but you are the only one here. There is no other hero.

: Hmm... what should I do?
Darn, if only we had a group of PCs looking for an adventure nearby.

: Hey, Gadwin! I'll go with you!

: Sir, you underestimate him. Justin is a man, one who has crossed the wall at the End of the World!

: Wh...what? This child? The wall at the End of the World?

: Justin... the Typhoon Tower is a horrible and dangerous place. Without the Spirits' protection, we may lose our lives. We've never been allowed near there. So I as you, do you still wish to go?

: If I were afraid of danger, how could I call myself an adventurer? And besides... we made a promise, man-to-man, to help each other when the need arises.

: Gaa ha ha ha! You're right! We did swear to each other. Man-to-man, an oath between friends!

: Sir! As in the legend, two warriors stand before you, ready to save the village of Dight!

: Yes! So now it is decided! In that case, allow me to bestow upon you the legendary Hero's Armband. On its rightful owner, it will shine! Let the Spirits guide these two Heroes of Dight!

: Of course I'm sure. We made a promise. Man-to-man. Heh heh heh, look Feena. Don't I look cool?

: What's all this about a man-to-man promise? Someone calls you a hero and you let it go to your head!
Jeez, who pissed in your Cheerios?

: What's your problem, Feena? What are you so upset about? It's not like you.

: That's right. What's bothering you? Challenging danger is part of being an adventurer, isn't it?

: It's OK! Everything will be fine! Justin as it's always been, right?

: Justin....

: All right, Justin! We're all agreed. So let's get going! Our destination, the Typhoon Tower, lies to the north of Dight Village.
Sounds like a fun place to explore. Next time.